Shit my husband buys

A couple of months ago it was baby A.’s second birthday. I was pretty sure I was going to be in charge of getting his presents as my husband is always very busy, but I asked him anyway if he was thinking of buying something for him. “Yes”, he replied, “this”. And he sent me a link to one of those baby projectors with lights and music. I was quite surprised. “You want to buy him a baby projector?? He’s turning 2, he’s not a baby anymore!! Besides, he already has THREE similar projectors!!”. (Which were gifts people gave us when he was born).

Luckily I was able to stop him in his tracks this time, but this is not the first time that my husband has strange ideas about things to buy. Our (not very big) apartment is full of shit that he, at some point, thought a good purchase (it almost always isn’t). Do you think I’m exaggerating? Well, well, well. Let me present you the irrefutable proof that I am right by showing you some of the things my husband has bought:

Proof 1: The knee massager

One day my husband started saying that his knees hurt. Then he bought online something called a knee massager which, in my opinion, looked like total quackery. He used it a couple of times. Imagine him there, sitting on the armchair, with that thing on his knees. Then he packed it in a plastic bag, put it in the cupboard and never used it again (this is what usually happens with his purchases).

The knee massager is something like this.


Proof 2: The golf practise set

Another time, he received a strange package. When I asked him what it was, he replied “Something to practise golf”. The package wasn’t too big so I didn’t think too much of it then. Until I saw “the thing” after he assembled it. It was like a huge tent covering half of our upstairs storage room. But he was adamant that he wanted to practise golf. Guess what happened later: That thing has been taking up a lot of space for over half a year and he’s used it maybe 5 times.

It’s the huge thing in the back. Seriously, who practises golf alone at home…?


Proof 3: The decorative firetruck

Some people like living in a house full of decorative objects. I am not one of those people. I think purely decorative objects are a waste of space (especially in a small apartment with not so much storage space like ours) and also tend to accumulate a lot of dust. So imagine my face when my husband bought this firetruck model. He got it as a present for his friend’s son, but at that time the child was like 2 years old and I told him this was not a toy. So it ended up on our bookshelf, wasting space. Until a few weeks ago, when I told my husband that I was going to give it away for free in a second hand WeChat group. Then he put it up on Xianyu, the Taobao for second hand things and, to my surprise, he actually sold it very fast and for a good price.


C. is actually addicted to that Xianyu app. He already sold lots of things we didn’t want and earned around 30,000 RMB! Well, most of it was spare “pimping” parts from his old car as it seems there’s really a market for that. But we still have so much shit we don’t use! One day I’ll get a Kondo attack and start giving everything away for free!


Do you tend to buy things that never get used later?