100 posts

I usually don’t like writing about what I write (that’s too meta), but today is a special day. This is my 100th post! And what better way to celebrate it than doing a summary of what has happened here during this time.

I started this blog a year and a half ago. I already had a blog in Spanish (still have it) but had been wanting to write in English for some time, especially after I found out there is such thing as an AMWF community. I had never felt “alone” or in need to talk to other women in my situation, but I was curious about what other people had to say about the topic and I thought maybe I would have some things to say, too. My main goal was to talk about my life in China though, as I had been doing in my Spanish blog. I treat this as a diary and I often re-read my own posts. I am definitely my best fan!

I have never done any kind of advertisement for my blog as I am too lazy and I really don’t think there is much to brag about in here. I only added the link to some websites with blog listings for expats and the like. But I don’t even have a blog facebook page, or a twitter, or anything. So I am very surprised and grateful that every day there are some people sneaking around!

Even though I wanted to make this about China more than about relationships, I failed miserably. All my most viewed posts have to do with my relationship, in one way or another. My most viewed post of all time is that one in which I talked about my lovely Chinese mother-in-law (people seem to be very interested in MILs, haha). Other popular articles include the one and only guest post published in my blog, written by my boyfriend, the story of how we met, or my insights about how it is living with a Chinese guy. The recount of how many AMWF couples I have met in my life is also high on the list.

I have my own favourites, though, the ones that I read once and over again (I told you, I’m my best fan). All the travel ones,  because I relive everything that I felt when visiting those places. I particularly like the one about Vietnam and Cambodia. Also the stories from my student times in Beijing, like my revelations about what no one told you about studying in China (contains many awkward pictures!), a weird marriage proposal that I received and the one about the North Korean girl that was my classmate for a semester. Do I see a pattern here? Yes, I clearly miss when I was still a student. I also enjoyed writing silly lists like 5 and a half things I got used to after moving to China and things I didn’t know I needed before coming here.

This blog was also useful to meet many amazing bloggers which I now regularly read. Some of them are in the sidebar on the right, though not all of them, I might need some updating.

It has been quite a ride! I hope I have inspiration to write 100 posts more. Thank you all for passing by!

This will be the closest thing to an Oscar acceptance speech I give, so I better use this picture now!

This will be the closest thing to an Oscar acceptance speech I give, so I better use this picture now!